Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Welcome to my first blog : )

Hey friends and family! Welcome to Olivia's Kitchen Creations. I feel kind of silly writing this, but I suppose I'll get used to it. Everyone always asks me about nutrition and exercise advice and for my recipes, so I figured it's about time to put this thing to life!  

Sooo....what will you guys find in my blog? Look below :

  1. Recipes!!!! Woohooo! Most of them I will try to make Paleo (I'll post what this is later), but let's face it, I'm not 100% Paleo, and holiday season is coming up... I make cookies and cheesecake...and I like beer... so deal with it : ). Butttt you guys know me, so yes, most of them will be healthy!
  2. Nutrition tips. I love helping people improve their health and quality of life and one of the most important things to do start with is....wait for it.....YOUR DIET! I will do my best to answer any questions you guys may have (feel free to comment - I guess that's what you do on blogs- any questions you may have) and also to provide you with tips on how to save money while eating healthy. <-------It IS possible : )
  3. Exercise tips. You guys know I do Crossfit , so that's what I'll mostly be talking about....However, I'm human and I do realize that it's not for everybody. I'll provide you guys with other options of working out along with a ton of at home workouts!
  4. My awesome best friend, April, will be making a whole bunch of guest posts. She's really smart and funny and if you don't know her already, you'll love her!
  5. Random life experiences, because talking about yourself is fun! 
*Disclaimer* I'm not an expert people, I realize that... I do have a degree in Health and Exercise Science and I'm a trainer at my Crossfit gym, so give me a teeny bit of credit (please!). Please just use this blog as a tool and not as expert advice. I just love helping people in any way I can, so please, let this be a fun experience!

So, let's get started! What do you want to see first?!

1 comment:

  1. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to respond. For some reason the comments and post a comment did not come up at first. Anyway...

    I would love recipes first.
